Disability Insurance

Understanding disability insurance

What is disability insurance?

Disability insurance, also referred to as Disability Income Insurance or Income Protection Insurance, is a policy designed to provide financial security for you and your family in the event of injury or disability. It offers income replacement until you can return to work, replacing a portion of your usual income with regular payments. Whether caused by accident or illness, the insurance payments support you and your loved ones until you can resume work or until the coverage term expires. Payment frequency can typically be tailored to suit your needs, with options for weekly or monthly disbursements.

Calculating Disability Insurance

Calculating Disability Insurance: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ensuring the ability to work is crucial for Canadians, and Disability Insurance serves as a financial safeguard in the event of illness or injury preventing work. Yet, navigating Disability Insurance can prove challenging. This blog aims to demystify the process, guiding you through determining the appropriate level of coverage. By examining factors such as your income, expenses, and coverage options, you can gain clarity on your needs. Whether you’re unfamiliar with Disability Insurance or seeking deeper insights, this blog equips you to make informed choices about your financial security. Additionally, we’ll introduce a super visa income calculator to further enhance your financial planning.

Disability Insurance

Why is It Difficult for Me to Purchase Disability Insurance?

Understanding Disability Insurance can be challenging and necessary at the same time. If something unexpected happens, like getting sick or hurt, and you can’t work, this important insurance policy will replace your income.